Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dragon Boat - Day 115

Today was the Dragon Boat races downtown. My team, the NAMSA Navigators, finished 8th overall out of 41 teams. Not too shabby!

Pooty - Day 114

I had to take this pic while driving home from work tonight. I was cracking up because "Pooty" is my nickname for my dog Scooter.

Dock - Day 113

I had Dragon Boat practice tonight. I managed to snap this pic before it started to downpour. Needless to say we didn't practice very long.

Sushi - Day 112

I ate at Sakura tonight, a Japanese steak house. We ordered this sushi called a "spider roll". It was rice, cream cheese, cucumber, avocado, and soft-shell crab. It was delicious!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Scooter - Day 111

I gave the puppies a bath tonight. Scooter wasn't happy about the situation.

Shed - Day 110

Cute little shed with a table and chairs.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fruit - Day 109

Today was my cousin Sarah's bridal shower. Someone brought a fruit salad and they carved out Sarah and Kraig's initials in hearts with the watermelon rind. Very cute :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Black Beauty - Day 108

Well, I got rear-ended today. Hopefully Black Beauty (as I call my car) can be repaired. I also lost my favorite tennis racket today too.

Bachelorette Party - Day 107

This was the lovely name tag I had to wear for my cousin Sarah's bachelorette party. Good time had by all at The Barnacle....body shots, Karaoke, and dancing up on the bar...none of which I did of course :)

Neville - Day 106

Neville and his ridiculously long tongue. I miss this little booger...

Poop - Day 105

I got my doggies today! They get to stay with me for ten days.....this was Scooter's "I'm so glad to see you Mommy" gift. I think he got nervous....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nectar - Day 104

This is what I call "the nectar"....also known as Diet Mountain Dew. Somedays this is what gets me through my day...

Steeple - Day 103

I took this pic on my way home from work today. I've always loved this church.

Busy Bee - Day 102

Ok, so I am cheating and using another pic I took yesterday. Oh well, it's too cool not to post.

Kaleidoscope - Day 101

In Frankenmuth there was this pot of flowers with a kaleidoscope over them. When I spun the flower pot and looked through the eyepiece this is what I saw!

Fly - Day 100

A gross creepy fly on a pink hydrangea.

Clouds - Day 99

Awesome clouds. I tend to take a lot of cloud pics, I think they're amazing.

Spider - Day 98

Cool spider in the sunlight.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hot Summer Day - Day 97 this is my thermometer on my sunporch. It reads ~86 degrees. That may not seem too hot, but what if I told you I just took this pic at 9:30 pm tonight. That's know it's hot when the low for the evening is supposed to be 80 degrees. Thank goodness I broke down and turned on the AC last night.

Boating - Day 96

I went for a boat ride on Tim's boat today down the lovely Maumee River. It was really hot and now I have a crazy sunburn....the front of my legs are on fire!

Eclipse - Day 95

Yep-today was all about hot vampires. I went to see the movie Eclipse today-it was better than I expected. And anything that involves Robert Pattinson is worth my while.

Cheese Balls - Day 94

I went to a Fourth of July cookout today and my favorite part was the buckets of cheese balls that adorned all of the tables. Is there anything better than artificial cheese??

Sundown - Day 93

The pretty sky tonight as the sun was going down.

Cement Pineapple - Day 92

I spotted a cement pineapple statue today in front of someone's house. I so want a set of these for my house.

Lunch - Day 91

Lunch was Chicken Noodle soup in a bread bowl from Panera. Yeah, I ate the entire thing including the extra roll on the side.

Vino Sketch - Day 90

Ok, so tonight I was messing around with my camera's "sketch" function and it totally takes a picture you have already taken and turns it into a sketch drawing! That is the coolest thing ever....well at least I think so!!!!

Vino - Day 89

So I decided to take a picture of my current wine inventory. These are my favorites (types-not these brands in particular) in case anyone cares.

Mulberry Tree - Day 88

Apparently there is a Mulberry tree in my backyard that I never knew existed. Now I know where to head when I need a snack. They are so good and sweet. Now if I could only pick enough to make homemade jam...

Cupcakes - Day 87

Saturday is always a good day at Cake in a Cup (a glorious cupcake shop in Toledo). These were my picks of the day starting from the left...Cookies n' Cream, Black Bottom, Red Velvet, and Pumpkin Chocolate Chip. No- I didn't eat ALL of them :)

Full Moon - Day 86

There was a full moon tonight. Look at the I love this camera.

Vines - Day 85

I was outside in my backyard and took a good look at my tree. These vines just seem to take over every year.

CD's - Day 84

I bought the new Eminem CD today so I had to shuffle my CD's around on my shelf. I've got quite the collection; music is sorta my thing.

Wood Wick - Day 83

I woke up this morning and felt like a truck hit me. Needless to say I called in at work, slept most of the day on the couch listening to this candle burning away. It has a wood wick, so when it is burning it has a "crackle" sound to mimic a fire. This-and my Chloraseptic spray made my day.

Lillies - Day 82

These are some of the lillies at my parent's house. I love the white and maroon ones.